pandas should rule the world. we should be your kings, presidents, prime ministers, governors, mayors, CEOs etc. we will own you:)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The hypocrisy of our lawmakers

Salam everyone:)

Yesterday i had a bitter taste of what cyber politics really feels. It was somewhat an interesting experience. One which i do not want nor fancy to ever happen again anytime in the future. Never did i intend on making a fool of myself nor was i keen on being rude to this particular man. It is clear to everyone especially to him, through my previous action, that I am not an expert in politics nor am i a certified politician. I am only a boy, as he says, a boy who is just learning the ropes of the most hideously colorful institution and practice ever invented by man - politics.

I was wrong in making such rude and discourteous statements and uncouth gestures towards him, that i will never deny and I am deeply sorry for my mistake. As a boy who knows nothing about politics, i am entitled to my mistakes and I intend to learn from it all, sincerely. I should never have done what i did and i apologize for my outburst, yet again.

As the title of this blog posting goes, it is definitely true and patent that politicians, who ever you are, where ever background you come from, which ever party you serve, what ever vision you stand for, are blatant hypocrites.

Malaysian politicians especially are champions of this cause. I see it happening from both sides of the political divide. Either the government or the opposition, both are guilty of making fools out of us, the people. 

1. Both are too obsessed in trying their hardest to prove themselves right, at whatever cost, in whatever way. 
2. Both are so engrossed in extensive politicking amongst each other.
3. Both play with sentiments and issues; the more sensitive the issue, the better.
4. Both are irresponsible in making statements which are misleading and hurtful.
5. Both are heavily corrupted, either morally or financially,
6. Both are victors of lies and manipulation; when ever, where ever.
7. Both are guilty of hypocrisy, two-facedness and double standards.
8. Both are racist bigots who champions issues which only serves the needs of their respective party and race.
9. etc.

These are obvious facts, which are felt by most, if not all of us Malaysians. It is also undeniably true that us Malaysians are more, more than tired of looking, let alone reading the front pages of newspapers nowadays. Every minute of everyday, our lawmakers, our representatives, delve into issues which are most of the time unimportant and sensitive.

Youths like me, shy away from Malaysian politics, not because we are naive or uninterested, not because we are ignorant nor are we unaware. Most of us deliberately hate politics, due to the reasons stated above. It is because the make up and basis of Malaysian politics is such that it in itself stands as a morally(especially) and financially corrupted a system that we do not see the need for us to be involved in, nor do we care enough to fill our brains cells and memory glands with such behaviors and issues. This does not only happen among youths, the same thing is happening among adults themselves, throughout the country.

Politicians should therefore look into the mirror and see vividly and clearly, that they are the cause of the problems happening in our country. 

1. Stop doing things which will stir up political, racial and religious tension in the nation. Don't create trouble!
2. Stop telling us that you are good and start showing and proving to us what you are made of. We have eyes!
3. Stop accusing of each other of bad conduct and misbehavior. You are as just black as the kettle you accuse of being black! You are just as bad!
4. Stop promising populist policies and implementations! We are not idiots!
5. There is just too much to state lah! 

As a small nation with great ambitions to fulfill together, we do not afford the time and the internal fighting happening amongst ourselves. Democracy is a good system of governance, but how far a democracy can last, when the players of democracy themselves are as morally corrupted as the homeless man on the street or the woman in the kedai urut batin who sell bodies to live?

This goes out to each and everyone of you who proudly identify yourselves as representatives of the civilized people of Malaysia, from a boy who knows nothing about the ethics of politics.

Salam and take care:)

Surat Terbuka kepada Tuan Mohd Sayuti Omar

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Tuan Sayuti Omar,
Secara peribadi saya hargai tuan membetulkan silap dan kekhilafan saya. Saya mengaku silap dan bersikap biadap terhadap Tuan.

Saya semestinya perlukan bimbingan dan tunjuk ajar. Sebagai generasi muda, saya berdarah muda, saya akui saya terlebih emosional. Lagi-lagi apabila saya terlihat perangai yang betul-betul saya tidak berkenan.

Saya muda dan tiada wibawa, saya akui tentang itu. Namun saya juga tidak terlalu jahil dalam hal etika politik.

Sesungguhnya memijak-mijak gambar seseorang itu, lagi-lagi apabila anda seorang MENTERI yang diberi kepercayaan oleh rakyat, Semestinya anda perlu dan mestilah mempunyai 'moral highground' yang tinggi, kerana anda adalah pemimpin yang sewajibnya menjadi contoh kepada rakyat.

Saya tidak setuju bahawa budaya memijak-mijak kepala lawan, walaupun ianya adalah sekeping gambar, adalah perkara yang biasa dalam politik, seperti yang Tuan telah katakan. Ianya adalah perbuatan yang jijik dan dilakukan oleh pencacai jalanan, bukan perkara yang di lakukan oleh seorang Menteri.

Saya mempunyai respect yang sangat tinggi kepada Tuan sebelum ini, sehinggalah Tuan katakan perkara yang dilakukan LIM GUAN ENG dan kuncu-kuncunya adalah perkara biasa. Ianya bukan perkara biasa.

Hanya kerana ada yang lakukan perkara yang sama, tidak menjadikan ia sesuatu perkara yang biasa. Two wrongs do not make a right. Tiada justifikasi yang boleh diterima atas perbuatan tidak bermoral lagi-lagi yang dilakukan oleh insan yang berpengaruh dan berkepentingan tinggi terhadap negara dan rakyat.

Saya juga tertarik dengan kenyataan dan persoalan bahawa, ‘kenapa DAP yang marah sangat pada 3 katak itu sedangkan yang memerintah Perak bukankah Dato Seri Ir Nizar Jamaluddin?’ J

Sekali lagi saya katakan di sini, bahawa saya silap besar apabila saya emosi.

Terima Kasih atas judgement and assumptions yang telah diterjemahkan oleh para blogger yang telah komen. Saya terima dengan rela hati kerana sesungguhnya memang saya silap besar kerana terlebih emosi. Saya bukanlah seorang mat rempit dan saya juga tidak pernah berdamping dengan bohsia. Saya bukan produk generasi gagal. Silap sekali untuk saya perbaiki di masa hadapan insyaAllah.

Saya memohon seribu kemaafan dari Tuan yang saya hormati dan berharap ukhuwah fillah akan terjalin antara kita. Janganlah kerana perbuatan terkutuk oleh bangsa mereka membuatkan kita sesama Muslim bergaduh lagi.

Moga Tuan dapat memaafkan saya yang lemah ini.

Salam Ukhuwah Fillah.

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About this Panda♥

almost always in an emotional pandemonium